Proclaiming a Message of Good News and Hope to our generation!

Announcing a New Booklet!

The Church: Triumphant in Christ!

We hope that you will find it to be a source of inspiration, hope, and encouragement! Please feel free to download the online version by simply clicking on this image, or if you prefer, request the free booklet to be sent by mail. Write to: Living Truth Publications, 901 S. Roys Ave,Columbus, OH 43204-2332, USA.

For an exact duplicate of this booklet to print from your desktop, CLICK HERE.  (Free Adobe Acrobat Reader required)


  1. A Friend in Tennessee

    I’ve read this book and it was a great blessing to me. I can recommend it to others without reservation. And it’s FREE.

    Words usually get their real meaning from the life of the writer. The author of this book is the real deal.

    Brother, I know that God is at work in you. Thank you for being faithful.

    • Dan Beaty

      Thank you “Friend in Tennessee!” You are a great encourager!

  2. Ernest Udom

    Dear Dan,
    I am from Nigeria. I have come across your site through internet, my filling my filling your website form.
    Please can you kindly visit Nigeria to help plant home based ekklesia.

    • Dan Beaty


      Thank you for the invitation to come to Nigeria. I am deeply honored. At this time we are not able to travel for several reasons. We will see if the Lord makes a way for us to come to you.

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