We believe as stated in John 3:16, that God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting Life.

We also believe that upon receiving God’s gift of love to us, we then begin to progressively experience His abundant, eternal and divine Life.

His love prompts us to return that same love to Him in a number of ways. The closer we grow unto Him, the more we desire to express His love. We do this by living for the benefit of others, unto the glory and praise of the Name of Jesus.

His love also compels us to cultivate every spiritual fruit and gift He has placed within us, in order that His church will grow to a more complete expression of Him andHis message of Good News to mankind.

We also believe in giving heed to His Living Word, that is given unto us both written and orally through His holy messengers of all the ages. Thereby we can grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, to be transformed into His glorious image, revealing a righteous, wonderful, powerful, holy and loving God to the world!

In all these things we shall continue to acknowledge Jesus our Saviour as both Lord of all and the risen Messiah, in anticipation of that wonderful day when all of the ends of the earth shall come under His reign. Then shall God’s will be fully revealed in earth as it even now is being done in His heaven.

Recently I have added some thoughts on my beliefs at the following link:
