The story of the work of Jesus Christ in His people has long fascinated and challenged me. I have to admit that as a kid I could not get enough of fantasy stories in movies and comic books that featured heroic acts by individuals with super powers. So naturally I was interested when I learned in the bible about real heroes who trusted in God and were able to accomplish amazing things!
At the same time I felt a disconnect between the Christian world of that time and that which I saw in the bible. Growing up it seemed as though it was more about what we cannot do rather than what we can do through Christ. When I found a church that read, and studied and preached from the book of Acts in the bible I was immediately drawn to it. None of us were super heroes like Samson, David, Daniel, or even Peter and Paul. But that did not stop us from desiring a greater experience of the power of the Holy Spirit.
In that desire the Lord did some wonderful things among us. His presence was very real in our meetings. Over the years we also had some great disappointments. From where I stand, it looks like eventually many lowered their expectations of what God might do supernaturally among us. A few even rationalized that the only supernatural work would be that which takes place within us.
Of course we know that the main focus of Jesus was always on the condition of our hearts. Our prayer is to be for the will of God our Father to be accomplished in earth as it is in heaven. That must first be fulfilled within us by the miracle of the New Birth. It does not end there, however. If heaven enters my heart, my entire life will eventually change. The miracles and the amazing spread of the Gospel in the book of Acts came about through people who were dramatically changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. It was by that same power that they believed and obeyed Christ. What can we learn from them? I submit that like them, we can still hear from God, follow Him, and be empowered to obey Him! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!
My hope is that in our day we will revisit the book of Acts with open hearts and minds. By many accounts the Christian church is in decline at least in the West. Yet, there is still the possibility that believers in our day can “turn the world upside down” as did the early Christians. Maybe we can cast off unnecessary practices that have become heavy burdens, and take up the very principles that enabled the early Christians to overcome impossible odds. This is not a boring faith by any means, but an adventure that has continued for thousands of years!
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